About Us
Our aim at CEI Architecture is to provide the latest and best information all about environmentally friendly architecture. We specialize in providing clean energy solutions and ideas. These ideas range from sustainable architecture practices, green home & building plans, outdoor designs for your modern homes, and more.
Things You Should About Plumbing Systems in a Home Garden
Even though societies around the world are adapting to a more urban, high-rise lifestyle in metropolis cities, plenty of people still prefer to live in their own detached homes with lovely gardens and be surrounded by nature. Even apartment dwellers have roof-top gardens to add some relaxing nature to their very busy city life.
If you relate to any of these people, this article is for you! We’re going to look at some important tips when it comes to …
Sustainable Housing: How Japan is Achieving Net-Zero Carbon Emissions
Japan has always been known for its technological innovations in different industries. The tech industry in Japan is huge and is one of the main forces when it comes to Japan’s progress.
Recently, a lot of industries and companies in Japan have begun moving their focus to sustainable buildings and development. This includes developing technologies that can help move Japan towards zero energy emissions.
Is the Pandemic Putting a Stop to the Way to Net-Zero Carbon?
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the whole world. As expected, efforts on practicing methods to reach Net-zero carbon emissions have taken a temporary halt as our collective effort has shifted to saving as many lives as possible from the virus crisis.
In this article, we’re going to look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the efforts to reach carbon goals, especially in the construction sector…